Saturday, September 12, 2009

Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson

After reading Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson, it shows how people's character and behavior transforms/changes throughout their life because of their actions. This books, tells the story of a high school freshman boy named Tyler Miller, and how he faces problems with his family, his reputation, and himself. He went from doing a high school prank into losing himself. But, throughout the book, he had his best friend and his sister and others to guide and to protect him.

I really liked this book because it is very easy to read and to comprehend. Also, anyone who is in high school could relate to this book. It explains how sometimes caring too much about one's reputation causes problems, which is seen though the character of Tyler. Probably, one thing that bothered me would be the writing structure in this book. The book had no chapters, but only these numbers to tell what the characters did the next days. It would have been better, if there were some chapters. But besides that, I thought the book was at times a little too easy for me.

I thought the ending was okay, but I think it could have been better. First, of all it was way too short. But, it should of included more of Tyler spending some time with his family and for them to solve their problems.

My Reading Process:
I have been reading this book during the summer as one of my summer reading books. There were no sections that was a struggle for me, because everyone could follow up on this book. I decided to read this book, because some of my frends have recommended this book as a good "read" and the book's plot sounded good. I have read one other book by Laurie Halse Anderson called Speak. It is very similar to this book. Both books talk about the characters going through high school issues and overcoming their problems.

As said again, I believe anyone could really enjoy this story. It is a young adult fiction story and it is not a very hard book, so you could understand everything that is happening.

An excerpt from Twisted:
To buy Twisted:

Other books by Laurie Halse Anderson:

- Speak (which I have read before)

- Catalyst

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