Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Glass by Ellen Hopkins Entry #2

Glass has been an excellent book to read so far. The story is getting better and better each time. Also, Bree's actions are hurting herself and Hunter (her baby) more and more. So far in the book, her family is celebrating her birthday and is having a baptism for Hunter. Her father and his girlfriend, Linda, flew home to visit them. But, Bree's mother does not really like her father that much. In the story, she has some secretive encounters with her dad that she does not have with any one else from the book. After that, she meets Brendon again. The way she encounters him, is very interesting. She tries to ignore him as much as possible and tries not to make direct contact with him.

I thought one of the important things that happened so far is that she is telling her dad things about herself that her mother or anyone else in her family doesn't know about. Her dad tells her "Can you spare some" "I have a little I can share," I admit. "But only about half a gram." "If I give you some cash, can you score some more?" "I'll try. But just so you know, this was the first time I've done any since Hunter was born." The conversation that Bree has with her dad reveals that she trusts her dad more than anyone else. She can talk to him about her needs, which in this case is drugs. This is a little ironic because her mother is the one who is trying to protect Bree and keep her safe. She is trying to get into Bree's life, but Bree is just leaving her out of it, which is why can't talk to her mother about anything. Overall, the book is very interesting and entertaining. I hope to read more and give more information about the book in the next blog.

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